Monday, April 27, 2009

Why Wrigley Field is the Best!

If you're a Cubs fan then you already know the deal. If you're a baseball fan that likes getting out to the ballpark for a game then make sure you visit Wrigley Field at least once, especially on a hot day. Hot weather brings out the best in women and the video below shows that to the fullest. It also shows you what too much beer can do.

With a major bar on each corner of Wrigley Field I personally like to get there early to "Pre-Game" if ya know what I mean. Girls are EVERYWHERE! Be prepared to spend at least $5 per beer and at least a dollar more once you enter Wrigley Field. My advice is to buy a six-pack somewhere down the street and then go to the bars. I prefer spending $5 on a six-pack than $5 per beer. It's pretty easy to sneak those beers into the bars and once you do IT'S ON!

It was definetly "ON" for these girls!

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